Ivins Outreach Center celebrates 20th anniversary, honors Darletta Berry-Johnson

Ivin’s Outreach Center (IOC) recently celebrated its 20th anniversary at a dinner held at the Yardley Country Club. The event was also an opportunity to honor Darletta Berry-Johnson, who has headed the organization as Executive Director for 20 years.

Since its inception, IOC has worked to improve the quality of life for those within our neighboring communities, providing opportunities for them to be healthy, confident, connected and secure, regardless of age, income or background.

And Darletta has demonstrated great leadership and a relentless energy in every single endeavor undertaken by the Center, as well as providing assistance on other community grants for the Borough and the 21st Century Learning grants at over a dozen schools in Lower Bucks. 

IOC’s ability to continue to provide its many services is in large part due to her work and dedication.  This was made so evident in the many commendations, awards and heartfelt recollections presented at the event.

She has been able to pivot the mission of the Center to address emergent needs in the community, even as the challenges of the recessions and the pandemic have limited or even halted some of these services being offered by other organizations.  

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick sent a proclamation recognizing Darletta and the IOC that had been read into the congressional record, thus becoming a permanent part of US history, searchable in the Library of Congress.  He also sent a flag that had been flown over the US Capitol in honor of Darletta.  

State Senator Steven Santarsiero sent commendations from the PA Senate, including a flag that had been flown over the PA Capitol in Darletta’s honor.  Representative John Galloway sent a proclamation from the PA House of Representatives that was read by Tom Davidson, President of the IOC Executive Board. 

Darletta was also presented with a commendation from the Bucks County Commissioners by Diane Ellis-Marseglia, recognizing the positive impacts that Darletta and the IOC’s endeavors have made on Morrisville and the surrounding communities, as well as the partnerships formed with other local groups and agencies. 

Robert Paul, Morrisville Borough Council President, presented a resolution from the Council recognizing Darletta and her many achievements and the positive impacts they’ve made upon the community. 

Mr. Paul is also a volunteer at Ivin’s and serves on the Executive Board. There were also testimonials from members of families that had received assistance and services from IOC. 

These testimonials were poignant reminders of just how important the work of Darletta and the IOC are to Lower Bucks communities. For more information about the Ivin’s Outreach Center and how to get involved, visit

PHOTO CAP: At the Ivins Outreach Center 20th anniversary dinner, from left, Brendan McCusker (constituent advocate from Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick’s office), IOC Executive Director Darletta Berry-Johnson, and Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia.

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