Bucks County Health Improvement Partnership-Advance Care Planning Program

    What type of medical care would you want if you had a SUDDEN accident or illness and couldn’t speak for yourself?

    An advance health care directive – often called a living will – is a document in which you clearly define your health care wishes, should you be unable to speak for yourself. While most people imagine they will not need a living will until they are older and unable to communicate their own wishes, the need for an advance care directive could present at any time with a sudden accident or an unexpected illness. Therefore, maintaining an up-to-date advance directive will give you and your family peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out. 

    THE ADVANTAGE OF MAKING PLANS NOW – 90% of people say conversations are so important; yet only 27% have done so. Any adult over age 18 should consider having an Advance Directive

    BCHIP offers a free advance care planning consultation for Bucks County residents. 

    Our team helps you walk through all the questions you should consider when developing your plan. Our trained facilitators will help you to discuss:

    • What kind of life-sustaining medical care you would like to have and under what conditions.
    • If you want to donate your organs.
    • Designating someone to speak for you if you cannot speak for yourself.

    Even if you have completed a document previously, we encourage you to review it now. We would be happy to assist you with reviewing or updating it.

    With your permission BCHIP will distribute your forms to your physician, hospital, and family per your wishes. To schedule your free appointment today, please contact us at 267-291-7882 or e-mail

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