Spotlight : Wild Birds Unlimited

The health benefits of bird feeding and watching

May is known as Mental Awareness Month.  Studies show many benefits of nature and birds on mental and physical well-being such as reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, and boosting the immune system. 

People who feed birds regularly feel more relaxed and connected to nature when they watch the birds in their gardens.  People living in areas with more birds are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress. 

When you step outside into nature, chemical responses are released inside our bodies.  Seeing and hearing birds is associated with an improvement in mental wellbeing. 

Putting up a bird feeder is a beautiful way to connect with nature and improve your health.

The link between watching birds and mental health is not just wishful thinking—it’s a researched and documented subject of many scientific studies. Think of watching your feeders as a little spa for your mind and spirit— and it’s one with unlimited visits.

At Wild Birds Unlimited, we specialize in the hobby of Backyard Bird Feeding.

We strive to bring people and nature together … and we do it with excellence!

Our store offers the freshest and finest seed available, never any fillers and delivered weekly.  Our array of feeders, houses, birdbaths, resource guides, and optics are some of the finest. 

Our friendly staff is ready to help start or grow this journey.  We are located between Peddlers Village and Doylestown. 

Join our Daily Savings Club and save 15 percent on bird food year-round all while earning rewards coupons.  You are also entitled to a free Feederscaping consultation if you don’t know where to start or to solve those pesky problems.

We offer free local monthly Bird Walks and online ordering. Stop By … Deep Breaths … Start Relaxing Today!

Visit our website at

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