Warrington resident publishes children’s book

Christine Wolkin of Warrington has published her first children’s book, “I Nursed You When,” a short story that celebrates the bond between a mother and her baby through their nursing journey.

She wrote the book in response to her experience breastfeeding her three young children. 

“This story is a love letter to the children I breastfed, and to all the mothers who’ve come before me and to come. Breastfeeding is a universal human experience, yet it is also such a personal experience. It takes time, sacrifice, and above all else, love,” said Wolkin.

In “I Nursed You When,” a mother reflects on her nursing journey with her baby, from the day they first met, until the day they wean.

This book is a loving tribute to the bond between mother and baby, and to those quiet, cherished moments of breastfeeding. 

“This release comes towards the end of our nursing journey, which makes it extra sentimental,” said Wolkin. “In two weeks, my last son will turn one-year-old and I’ve planned from the very start to wean him on his first birthday. I’m going to miss the bond I’ve had with every single one of my children through this incredible experience, but I know our memories will live on in these pages.”

This story, told through lyrical rhymes and beautiful illustrations, is perfect for any expecting parent, new mother and baby, or an older, weaning child.

Shelve alongside favorites like “Love You Forever,” La Leche League International’s bestselling guide, “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding,” and “Magical Milk.

The book is available on Amazon.

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