Spotlight: Achievement & Wellness Center

Young adult nixes depression with neurofeedback

Submitted by Maria Di Donato DEd, BCN, PA Licenced Psychologist, PA/NJ Certified School Psychologist

Johnny, not his real name, a college student from Bensalem had difficulty with depression and anxiety that affected his personal life as well as social life. Attention and focus were issues as well which were affecting his grades at school. His mother was concerned because he would frequently avoid family events, preferring to be alone. Mother reported that he did not seem to be enjoying life, school, sports, family, friends.

Both mother and son were reluctant to try medication because of the multiple undesirable side effects. Johnny reported experiencing stomach issues and some social anxiety, as well. He expressed concern that his poor attention at school and during homework would interfere with prospects for success in college, which he saw as one of his goals.

As part of his intake, an ADHD test was administered which was positive for attention problems he was already experiencing. Neurofeedback was started to address the presenting issues. As a result, Johnny began to focus better in school and improve his grades.

He reported that he is no longer feeling down as before, and he began to get involved more socially with his family and friends. In session, he began to smile more and engage in dialogue with the counselor.

Johnny is now a successful college student and is making great progress in realizing his career goals. He continues to come for neurofeedback intermittently as he sees the need for a “tune up.” He is happy with his course of study and is looking forward to a successful future in his chosen field.

Neurofeedback is a noninvasive drug free treatment that rewards the positive brainwaves that are responsible for better emotional, behavioral and cognitive functioning. When the brainwaves are balanced, the individual can experience a successful, healthy and balanced lifestyle.

For more information about Achievement & Wellness Center, call (215) 321-9502

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