SPOTLIGHT: Bucks County Dental Design

    Old senior man sitting in a dental chair thumb up

    Many adults today are responsible for the care of an elderly parent, relative or friend. Although the circumstances vary, the challenges are usually quite significant.

    One of the biggest challenges is making sure that the senior citizen is availing himself of the necessary healthcare, including dental healthcare.

    As a person ages and their world gets smaller, so does their enjoyment of life. Obviously, visits from family and friends and participation in activities add to life’s pleasures, but one of the most important pleasures is derived from eating a good meal and chewing food effectively. It is a beautiful thing that the pleasure of eating well and chewing adds to a person’s overall health.

    The caretaker can make some little changes to improve the oral health of his elderly charge. Often an electric toothbrush and or a water flosser (Waterpik) can make up for a person’s declining dexterity. Encouraging the elderly person to brush his teeth (possibly providing some help with the job) can make a huge difference. Many of our senior citizens seem to develop a “sweet tooth”, which needs to be balanced with fruits and vegetables.

    Finally, the caretaker must make sure that his loved one is seeing a dentist regularly. Often senior facilities will have a dentist on staff or will provide transportation to an appointment. Regardless of the logistics, it is the job of the caretaker to make it happen. The dental professional can be a great support for the elderly patient and the caretaker—take advantage of this resource!

    On Thursday, October 10th, our office will participate in our 3rd annual Freedom Day USA. For this one day we have cleared our schedules and will be honored to treat (teeth cleanings, exams, fillings, extractions, etc.) veterans and first responders with absolutely no cost or obligation.

    Please spread the word about this nationwide program and call us at 215-364-2420 to make an appointment for this special day. We thank these great men and women for their service to our country!

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