Elizabeth Todderud holding the Lydia Darragh Medal and Certificate presented by President Bob Reiser and First Vice President Steve Ware. (Photo credit: Bill Hampton)
The Washington Crossing Chapter Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) recognized Elizabeth Todderud at the chapter’s October 8th dinner meeting for her outstanding service to the SAR.
Elizabeth is an active member of the Washington Crossing Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). She was awarded the Lydia Darragh Medal by SAR Chapter President Bob Reiser and First Vice President Steve Ware for working behind the scenes to support SAR programs. This Medal is named after Lydia Darragh (1729-1789), who crossed British lines in December 1777 during the British occupation of Philadelphia to deliver information to George Washington that saved Washington’s army from a surprise attack.
Elizabeth has actively supported the work of the Washington Crossing Chapter SAR for the last 9 years. She frames the certificates presented to recipients of awards, donating her time and resources. She has served as the liaison between the Chapter and the Continental Tavern in Yardley where chapter dinner meetings were held for many years. She also graciously opens her home for the Chapter’s annual Christmas social and officer induction. Her husband Gordon is the Chapter’s Second Vice President.
The October 8th dinner meeting was held at Giuseppe’s Restaurant in Richboro. The guest speaker was Alex Robb, the Interpretive Programs Specialist for the Friends of Washington Crossing Historic Park. Mr. Robb gave a presentation titled “Quite Useless, But Entirely Necessary: the Pennsylvania Navy from 1775-1776.”