Spotlight: Achievement & Wellness Center

Diagnosing and treating ADHD

submitted by Maria Di Donato DEd, BCN, PA Licensed Psychologist, PA/NJ Certified School Psychologist

ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder) is a common condition among children and adults. According to diagnostic criteria, it is not one disorder, but two, or a combination of which are based on a group of behaviors.

The inattentive type individuals have difficulty paying attention, sustaining attention, do not follow through on directions, seem to not pay attention, are not organized, lose things, are easily distracted and are often forgetful.

The hyperactive individuals often fidget, have difficulty remaining seated, are restless, have difficulty with leisure activities, appear to be driven by a motor or often talk excessively.

A combination of these behaviors is ADHD.

To be properly identified, these behaviors must be observed in two or more settings, such as home and school or work.

Diagnosing ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD can be difficult especially using the subjective observations of others, especially when different observers have different opinions. A correct diagnosis of either requires both qualitative (behavioral observations) and quantitative (performance tests).

The behavioral observations from parents and teachers often use subjective questionnaires that rate behaviors as to the frequency of the specific behaviors compared to a normal population. Additionally, there are continuous performance tests that engage the individual in a testing situation that challenges their attention and hyperactivity. The latter can be a more objective source of information. Results of the continuous performance tests provide details of the inattention and hyperactivity issues. The information is also presented in a standardized sample which determines the severity of the ADD or ADHD.

Once diagnosed, there are options for treating the condition. ADD and ADHD are both conditions that result from an imbalance in specific brainwaves.

At Achievement & Wellness Center, both methods are used to assess ADHD and its severity. Additionally, neurofeedback, a proven and successful treatment for ADHD is effective in re-regulating the brainwaves and remediating the conditions.

For more information about Achievement & Wellness Center, call 215-321-9502.

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