SPOTLIGHT: C&C Family Roofing and Siding

A leaky skylight can be costly to repair.

Skylight leaks and how to fix them

Do you remember when you were a kid, and you were not allowed outside to play because it was raining? You would sit with your chin on the windowsill and dream about all the adventures you could be having. That small pane of glass separated you from a whole new world.

In a similar fashion skylights provide a glimpse into another world but without having to deal with weather conditions. So, what happens when that skylight starts to let the outside world in?

There are three basic factors in causing a leak at a skylight: the glass, the flashing or the roofing products.

When a leak occurs as a result of the glass, the result is normally a haze or condensation in between the panes of glass. Cleaning the skylight won’t stop this problem as it is a result of the seals around the glass letting condensation in. Another indicator of a glass level leak is water stains or discoloration on the wood box just below the glass.

If there is a flashing problem, then the stains will develop on the ceiling below the wood box or around the perimeter of the skylight. The stains can even be at the transition of the ceiling and the wall below the skylights since water likes to go downhill. This can be corrected by replacing the flashing detail on the outside of the skylight.

Any leak originating from the roofing material can only be noticed from the roof and may be caused by defective roof material, poor nailing, or missing material.

Knowing what to look for helps in determining the best resolution. Having a reliable roofing contractor look at your skylights will solve this problem.

Roof troubles? Trust C & C Family Roofing and Siding for their quality, safety, and experience. Call 215-999-6248.

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