SPOTLIGHT: Dan McMeans – Mind, Body, Spirit Coach

Dan McMeans, Mind, Body and Spirit Coach


As you pursue life it is important to capture the moments of your life that are precious. So, please slow down, observe and appreciate the moments that surface as you move forward; these moments can often teach you something in your life.

When people prepare to set their goals, many try to do the right thing by reading training modules. When it comes time to put the plan into action and achieve a higher impact, we need to move our consciousness to a level where we and the task are pure energy.  We are all endowed with the ability to move our consciousness beyond fear and worry, empowering us to concentrate at this level and levitate our will to execute our plan.

When we embrace the notion that we have prepared ourselves with all the training necessary and want the best outcome for our goal, we maximize our results. We need to reclaim our true nature and let go of our ego – this increases our awareness and helps with all things in life.  

The mind is capable of preventing many diseases through our own attitude, awareness and positive thinking. Positive thinking can strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. 

Think of the mind like the rudder of a ship steering through fierce winds and pounding waves. Just like the rudder, which is ‘very small’ in comparison to the large ship for which it controls the direction and course; your mind is also capable of directing the course of your life. 

Call 267-570-9042 and let Dan McMeans help you gain a better understanding of yourself, your life, and how renewed perspective can change your future. Email or visit

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