Submitted by Diane Marrazzo, Outdoor Design Specialist.
The last 70 days have been delightfully reliably sunny, and yet devastatingly dry! Have you ever known Bucks County weather, for so many consecutive days, to be island worthy? That, my friend, has been most delightful! Waking up to another blue sky and sunshine on the horizon always puts a smile on my face! But even the islands’ vegetation requires water to live, thrive & survive.
The Rule of Thumb in the landscape industry, for our zone 6, is to regularly water your trees and shrubs right up to Thanksgiving, unless Mother Nature has provided a generous allowance of rain. We want to pay attention to how much rain has been offered … enough, or not?
Allow your landscape to settle into the season of winter a little on the wet side, “better wet than dry” is the theme. Soil is better wet than dry for many reasons; moisture for retention and basic needs.
Water also carries oxygen, and vibration, and offers the soil around the roots flexibility throughout the winter months to move, grow and communicate. The roots are alive and moving always, even on the coldest days of winter.
This fall season has garnished our landscapes vividly with a vast array of colors. The inner vitality of trees, shrubs and perennials rushes to the surface, cools down, slows down, and their vital liquid sugar crystallizes and oxidizes; thus producing the seasonal fall coloring for our beautiful Bucks County vistas.
For the greatest natural show on earth, the seasonal event is currently still in play as the trees and shrubs perform their final expression of life for 2024, before settling into a 3-month slumber, as Mother Nature welcomes her annual visit from ‘Ole Man Winter.
A cyclical love story, alas he returns!
For all of your outdoor landscape and hardscape design projects, look no further than Marrazzo’s North River Landscape. For more information, call 215-958-1412 or visit