Spotlight: Penn’s Woods Puppet Theater

The murder of Isabel Darkley, 1880

An idea for your 2025 entertainment line-up: a miniature theater that appeals to both teens and adults.

Although it’s presented by a puppet theater, the term “puppet” can be misleading. One’s immediate thought is, “let’s bring the kids”.

Penn’s Woods speaks from experience when it says that not all puppet plays are for young children. There are some things kids just don’t get.

Darkley Manor is one of those things. It’s the classic murder mystery that takes place in a rambling mansion, on an English moor and, of course, on a dark and stormy night (complete with thunder and lightning).

In 45 minutes, the playwright manages to knock off three characters, make an attempt on a fourth and does it so discreetly that not until the finale, when Inspector Hubbard gathers the tattered survivors into the parlor, does the audience connect all the dots.

At the show’s conclusion, audience members always ask how we accomplish so much in such a short time in such a small space. These conversations are as enjoyable for us as the performance itself. 

Darkley Manor is not only a good story, but also an interesting medium.

For information about Penn’s Wood Puppet Theater, contact Robin and Susan Tafel at 215-441-4154, or visit YouTube @PennsWoodsPuppets.

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