What is “real” power?
When we think of the universe, we have different kinds of energy. How we invest our energy is so important because there are different degrees of radiance of power that come from the universe.
For instance, positive thoughts are frequencies of lighter reinforcing energy. They help propel you forward. Negative thoughts can weigh you down. That is because frequencies of darker energy clog your consciousness and take you down a road of cynicism and negative thinking.
What opens your consciousness and allows you to be free is when you are able to unleash the unquantifiable expression of your persona. This allows you to break free of the status quo and truly soar to your true potential. The question remains, what is “real” power?
Let’s talk about true power. According to Gary Zukav, Author of the book “Seat of the Soul”, power is not the ability to exert your will upon another person. There is no power in fear, even if it is supported by armies.
The armies of Roman authority disappeared more than a millennium ago but the force of the life of a single man that Roman soldiers put to death continues to shape the development of humankind today. Who had “real” power?
Call 267-570-9042 and let Dan McMeans help you gain a better understanding of yourself, your life, and how renewed perspective can change your future. Email dan_mcmeans@yahoo.com or visit www.mind-propulsion.design