Spotlight: VCA Animal Healing Center

A bright new year for your pet

by Dr. Jacqueline Ruskin DVM CVA

Another year has flown by, and it is time again to set our intentions for a new year. We set wellness goals for ourselves so why not for our pets. 

As with humans, wellness in pets is a multifactorial sliding scale based on individual factors. Each pet will have their own starting line and goals based on age, conditions, and genetics. 

When we set out on a goal for improved health in pets we have to set realistic goals but also not make excuses for age. For example, A New Year’s resolution for a 12-year-old German Shepherd could be to walk the whole neighborhood again. But if we make the excuse, “he’s old” and don’t assign him that resolution then he will continue to be old and not have the opportunity to improve his quality of life. What if instead we set him a resolution to be better at walking. Now we have options to improve wellness with supplements, acupuncture, electromagnetic therapy, Adequan injections, and laser therapy.

Six to eight weeks later, not only is he walking the neighborhood again but he is playing again, going up the stairs, and enjoying life again. Old age is not a diagnosis. It is a call to action. 

At VCA Animal Healing Center, we believe no pet is aged out of being healthier than they are now. Every pet can slide up the wellness scale if we set goals and give wellness a chance. Let’s put the health back in healthcare for pets by setting intentions for them to have better physical and mental health. Tools for wellness include diet, supplements, quality time with their humans, exercise, and other healing modalities. 

How can your pet’s life be better next year? Set it, make it, do it, achieve it.

For more information about VCA Animal Healing Center, located at 1724 Yardley Langhorne Rd in Yardley, call 215-493-0621.

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