This class taught at the Northampton Township Library in Richboro called “Healthy Steps for Older Adults” is a fall prevention class. The students are learning chair exercises in this photo.
by Amanda Mayer, Community Program Coordinator for the Bucks County Area Agency on Aging, Certified instructor for Healthy Steps for Older Adults, Healthy Steps in Motion, Walk with Ease and A Matter of Balance.
Have you ever googled exercise vs. physical activity? I have. My page instantly filled with dozens of articles from every imaginable source. It was overwhelming. Somewhere around page ten, I stopped scrolling. My questions were simple. What’s the difference, and which is better for me?
I’ve been teaching health & wellness programs to older adults for more than 15 years. Here’s something I’ve learned over the years. When the word exercise is said in class, several people will groan loudly and roll their eyes. As a matter of fact, sometimes the whole class is a chorus of loud disdainful noises. But here’s something else I know, and maybe you do too. Not being physically active is the worst thing you can do for your health.
In our workshops, we describe physical activity as any movement of your muscles while exercise is planned, structured, and purposeful physical activity. So which is better? If I walk around the grocery store, will that have a positive impact on my health? The answer is YES! Physical activity and exercise coexist or work together to provide many health benefits.
Research tells us physical activity helps us increase muscle strength, flexibility, and balance. All things are important to help prevent falls and loss of mobility. It also increases our endurance and stamina to help build more energy. It strengthens our cardiovascular system such as the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Some lesser known benefits include better sleep, less pain, better function, less anxiety and depression, less fatigue, even less constipation.
Physical activity can be challenging for older adults, especially those with chronic conditions or physical limitations. In fact, recent studies tell us inactivity is higher for those 50 and older who have one or more chronic diseases. The good news is, there are four kinds of exercises that can help people of all abilities:
Stretching exercises stretch muscles, loosen joints, and improve balance and coordination. There are numerous chair exercises available for flexibility. Tai Chi and chair yoga are also great options. Please remember never to stretch cold muscles. Try marching in place for a few minutes or take a short walk to warm up those muscles first. Stretching should be done slowly, holding each for a few seconds while breathing deeply. Your goal should be a minimum of 10 minutes a day.
Strengthening exercises make our muscles stronger using weights or resistance. Strong muscles also help with balance and coordination. Strong ankles are your first defense against uneven ground. A strong core will help you recover your balance should someone accidentally bump into you. Many older adults shuffle their feet while walking because their leg muscles are weak. Strong leg muscles will help you lift your legs and step with purpose.
Do these exercises two or three times a week, taking a day off in between so your muscles have time to rest. You can use water bottles or soup cans for hand weights, climb stairs, or use resistance bands.
Balance exercises help keep us steady if we stumble or are pulled in one direction. If you’ve ever walked a dog or held the hand of a young child you know what I mean. Balance specific activities should be practiced for a few minutes every day. Things like Tai Chi, yoga, chair exercises and event flexibility and strengthening exercise will help you practice balance.
Aerobic exercises make us breathe faster and deeper and increase our heart rate. By increasing your endurance you’ll begin to strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles. As a result, you’ll increase your energy so you can be active longer. Your goal should be at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. This can be broken into three 10-minute sessions. Some suggestions are walking briskly, swimming or dancing.
There are many resources to help you begin your physical activity journey. Housework, gardening, or even standing to cook a meal can be a good start for some people. The Bucks County Area Agency on Aging offers free chair exercise workshops and virtual chair yoga. Most senior centers also offer a variety of exercise classes, Tai Chi and chair yoga. The National Institute on Aging has created the Go4Life Everyday Exercises video on YouTube. Or simply grab a friend and go for a walk. But just keep moving.