Amelia, an adult woman from Warminster, was struggling with ADHD for many years. Her major concerns were always being late and poor time management. She reported difficulty with focusing and completing tasks, keeping a routine, feeling overwhelmed and staying organized. Some of her concerns were that she was easily distracted, procrastinated, made careless errors, got bored easily, failed to meet deadlines, and was an underachiever. She reported moving excessively, always being on the go, and difficulty working quietly.
While in college she had difficulty focusing on reading assignments and exams. Raising a family drew upon many focusing skills which increased her stress. As such, her frustration increased when she began raising a family. Other difficulties she indicated included trouble concentrating, switching from one activity to another, being disorganized, forgetful, not finishing tasks, having difficulty learning and remembering. She also reported interrupting others, blurting out comments, fidgeting, and intermittent migraines,
After her first session she reported sleeping better, having more energy, better concentration, feeling happier and more awake and alert, and a feeling of well-being.
Over time, Amelia continued noticing progress with her attention and focusing, keeping things straight and maintaining a routine, Headaches are reduced. She remarked she feels the “most clear than she has ever felt”.
Additionally, Amelia began doing heart rate variability training to improve her stress management skills. This training enabled her to routinely remain calm.
Adult ADHD is a significant problem for many, which frustrates and prevents them from achieving their best. Neurofeedback, a form of biofeedback, lets the body know what it is doing so it can change. As such, it is a medication-free treatment that rewards the brain for producing more attentive and focused brain waves. Over time, the brain learns the new brain wave patterns enabling the individual to function independently.
For more information, call 215-321-9502.