Spotlight: Andrew’s Lawn Ranger, LLC

Picture shows the process of Deep Root Feeding.

Winter is the time to determine the future health of your landscape.  Plan for this year’s treatments NOW and avoid potential problems later. 

The following programs should be considered now:

Tree Care: Deep root feedings in spring of a slow-release fertilizer adds needed nutritional requirements for your landscape plantings. Foliar Applications include insect and disease control. These help your plantings during seasonal periods of stress like heat, drought, or cold.

Turf: Our 7-step program makes lawns beautiful and weed-free. When did you last have your soil tested? Missing micro-nutrients prevents your turf from absorbing the basic components of the fertilizer. Our program makes up for what local soil is missing. Proper pH levels are essential for your fertilizer to work efficiently. Grass plants thrive within a very small pH range. Lime applications help adjust the pH in your lawn and utilize fertilizer to its maximum potential. This is why we test soil.

Flea, Tick, and Mosquito Suppression: Monthly applications consist of fogging the perimeter of the property as well as spraying nesting areas. Using 100% organic materials, we treat around the house (patio, deck, pool, swing set, and wood lines, if applicable).

Deer Control: Deer are rampant, ruining your landscape plants and causing unsightly, expensive damage. We apply monthly odorless applications to plant material to stop deer by breaking their routines, and making plants taste bad. Creatures of habit, if they don’t like the ‘buffet’ on your property, they’ll go elsewhere. Multiple applications throughout the year dissuade them from returning. We use DeerProtm exclusively, with both a summer and winter formulation, for year-round control. The Deer control works side by side with our Flea, Tick, and Mosquito program, because deer carry ticks.

Contact our office to set up a consultation at 215-968-8535 or e-mail

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