A time for renewal and stewardship
As we welcome March and the turning of the seasons, we are reminded of the quiet work of renewal that happens all around us. The earth, long resting under winter’s cover, stirs with new life. Buds begin to form; birds return; and the days grow steadily lighter. This is a time of both promise and responsibility, a reminder that we are called to be faithful stewards of creation.
In the spirit of simplicity and care, we are mindful of how we use and return the gifts of the earth. Recycling is not just an action, but a reflection of our commitment to reduce waste and honor what has been given. Giving back, whether through planting, tending the land, or sharing what we have, connects us to a deeper sense of community and responsibility.
No one walks this path alone. As friends, we listen for the still, small voice that calls us to care for one another and for all that sustains life. In the quiet work of stewardship, we find joy. In tending to the earth, we tend to each other. And in honoring the gifts of spring, we walk gently, mindful that what we nurture today will shape the world to come.
We warmly invite you to visit us on March 12th, from 2-4 pm for our “Going Green” Open House. Come meet some of our incredible residents, take a guided tour of our community, and enjoy a warm drink with afternoon refreshments.
We also encourage you to visit our website at www.friends-village.org or call 215-968-3346, ext. 200 to explore and/or register for our vibrant community programs. Ongoing offerings include Yoga for Seniors (Mondays & Thursdays through March 6) and Senior Planet, a free tech class (Mondays & Wednesdays through March 19). Upcoming one-time events include Adult Children & Aging Parents (Feb 17), The Graveyard Girls (Feb 25), Practical Emergency Preparedness (March 4), and a four-part Financial Education series (March–May).
Whether through service, learning, or fellowship, we welcome you to join us in this journey of care and renewal.