The 13th Annual Bookin’ For Lookin’ Race set for April 27 in Newtown benefits the blind and visually impaired

by Maryanna Savage Phinn

If you’re tired of winter weather and ready to get outside and lace up your running shoes there’s good news. Online registration is now open for the 13th Annual Bookin’ for Lookin’ 5K and 10K races, one of Newtown’s favorite springtime distance running events, set for Sunday, April 27. The race course starts at Council Rock High School North, winds through scenic Tyler State Park before finishing back at the high school. The runners competing in the 10K race kickoff the event at 8:30 am. followed by the 5K runners. Walkers are also welcome to participate. 

All race proceeds benefit the Bucks County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Bookin’ for Lookin’ was founded by Newtown resident, Mark McCowan, 52, an avid half-marathon runner (13.1 miles). Mark slowly became blind during his early teenage years. He started running at age 40. His original inspiration for becoming a runner was when he learned about a blind athlete who participated in a triathlon. “I thought, if he can do those three activities why can’t I? Slowly, but surely I started running in town, in the Borough of Newtown,” said Mark. He also ran in Tyler State Park, the towpath in Yardley and Peace Valley Park. Mark and a friend started brainstorming about having a 5K in Newtown. “My friend came up with the race’s name, “Bookin’ for Lookin’,” he noted. Mark also served as the race director for many years. 

“The reason why I started the race is because I liked running and I thought running would be a great way to also share with others in the community about people who are blind and visually impaired.” Mark said another reason was that he frequently walked using his cane around Newtown Borough and often encountered children with their parents who’d ask him about the cane.  “I’d have a few moments with them to explain what the cane is and what it’s used for and how it helps people. I thought instead of talking to one or two people, why not create a 5K and share that information with the community.”

As a graduate of Council Rock High School North and with the help of his friend and a running coach at the school, the Bookin’ for Lookin’ Race was established in 2012. The first race had about 100 runners. Mark belongs to running clubs in Philadelphia, Achilles International and Fishtown Beer Runners, and credits them with helping him to build the race’s participation, consistency and legitimacy over the years. 

Last year, more than 300 runners competed and the event has raised more than $100,000 since its inception. “I’m proud of that!” Mark said.

The race is also part of the annual Bucks 5K Series which features seven 5K races scheduled from March through June for runners of all ages and abilities. 

“There are six other races that help promote their individual, respective causes and that helps us promote awareness of blindness and visual impairment,” he noted.

The race’s beneficiary, the Bucks County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, was established in 1945. The organization is celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2025. It provides Bucks County residents with a combination of services from vision evaluations, assistive technology, and strategies for independent living to education and community outreach on vision loss and impairment.

Mark runs races with the support of guides or running partners. He ran a few times with his guide dog, Arlo, a yellow labrador retriever, but his preference when running are human guides. His wife, Stacy, runs marathons (26.2 miles) and has acted as his guide for several races. Mark also runs with guides from other members of the running clubs or connects with runners locally who run in Newtown or nearby neighborhoods.  

“I’m also trying to achieve running half-marathons in all 50 states,” Mark said. To find guides that will assist in running these races in locations throughout the country, he checks chapters of Achilles International and uses a website called United in Stride. Mark has run in 36 states so far. After Bookin’ for Lookin’ in April, Mark plans to run in Seattle in March, Minnesota in June, followed by a race in Idaho in July and other races planned for the fall. “I hope to run in 41 states by Christmas this year,” he noted. 

The 2025 Bookin’ for Lookin’ race’s title sponsor is Yardley Eye Care. Additional sponsors include: Eye Associates, LLC, Holland Floor Covering, Rotary Club of Newtown, Duane and Joyce Buck Family, Synergy Hearing, and First National Bank and Trust Company of Newtown. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available. 

The race welcomes runners and walkers of all ages and abilities. To register for the race, become a sponsor, volunteer, or make a donation, visit  

To learn more about the Bucks 5K Series, visit

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