SPOTLIGHT: Dan McMeans – Mind, Body and Spirit Coach

What is beautiful?

Beauty can be interpreted in many ways and has many categories of appreciation such as nature scenes, paintings, music, and appreciating someone’s personality, which can be beauty in itself.

At its core, beauty is about our ability to identify, connect with, and enjoy that which is admirable in the world.

Appreciation of beauty that comes from the senses of nature has a long-lasting impact. Nature can provide the very building blocks of their physiological well-being and make them more receptive to increased positive energy.  

The impact of exposure to nature is so powerful that it has been the subject of studies looking at the impact on patient recovery times in hospital settings.

When researchers looked at the recovery charts of hospitalized patients, they were struck by how much better the patients fared when their rooms looked out onto the trees and nature rather than a brick wall.

On average, their nurses recorded four negative notes per patient — comments like “needs much encouragement” and “upset and crying” — whereas those with a view of the trees and nature warranted negative notes only once during their stay.

Apart from their view, the patients were very similar, and they had received identical treatment at the hospital.

Each patient with a view of the trees and nature was matched with a patient whose room looked out onto the brick wall, so that their age, gender, weight, status as smokers or nonsmokers, and attending doctors and nurses were controlled as tightly as possible.

Since those factors were controlled, the only explanation was that patients who looked out at a stand of trees and nature recovered more quickly because they were lucky enough to occupy rooms with a natural view.

Nature in all its beauty and natural healing capabilities has many benefits for the mind, body, and spirit.

Call 267-570-9042 and let Dan McMeans help you gain a better understanding of yourself, your life, and how renewed perspective can change your future.

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PHOTO CAP: Dan McMeans, Mind, Body and Spirit Coach

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