Warwick Township Parks & Recreation Presents Adult Drawing Classes

by June Portnoy

Fall was in the air on September 17 as Anita Thompson, instructor of a beginner’s adult drawing class at the Warwick Township Building in Jamison, explained how to use color pencils to draw a basket of apples. 

She purposely chose fall drawings for this six-week session, entitled Adult Art Club with Artventure Workshops. It’s held September 10 through October 15. Upcoming classes will include owl drawings, season of autumn drawings, a field mouse drawing, a skeleton hand drawing,and a black cat and pumpkin painting.

“These classes explore the basics of drawing because there is no experience required to enroll,” explained Anita who showed students how to layer colors using very light applications of each color.

“My goal is for everyone taking these classes to enjoy art and grow at their own pace,” described Anita. “I hope by the end of this session they continue to draw using the techniques I have shown them.” 

She added that she also hopes these classes help them relax because “with drawing, and any type of art, you get into a zone, and I think we need that these days.”

Students were enthusiastic about coming to class to learn drawing. Sheila Aber from Warrington, explained that she used to draw when she was younger and always found it relaxing. “I’m here to improve my skills so I can draw on my own when this class is over.”

Angela Giorgione from Jamison, previously took a few art classes with Anita at the township building. “I surprised myself with what I could draw, ” Angela laughed. “I have some extra time on my hands now, so am trying to expand my interests while also supporting the township.

Husband and wife Valerie and Bruce Sanders from Warwick, are now retired and looking for things to do, so when Bruce learned about this class, he was interested in attending. “He has always wanted to learn how to draw and paint,” said Valerie, who enjoys supporting her husband’s interest by accompanying him to this class.

These drawing classes are presented weekly by Warwick Township Parks & Recreation. The second six-week fall drawing session will be held from October 29 through December 10 and will include the creation of an autumn watercolor pumpkin, a watercolor pumpkin pie slice, sunflower drawing, parts one and two, and winter cardinal painting, parts one and two.

For more information about the upcoming session, visit All levels of experience are welcome.

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