The importance of getting a tune-up for your car
Tune-ups will save gas on your vehicle.
For everyone back on the road, it’s essential to get a tune-up for your car, which usually entails changing spark plugs and air filters. These tune-ups give your vehicle better gas mileage, keeping more money in your wallet.
There are many other benefits to a tune-up for your car now that winter is here. It helps ensure your car will start more easily. You can give your four wheels more horsepower and keep that idle smooth by getting the necessary tune-up to maintain your motor’s purr.
One common cause of a check engine light is misfire codes from spark plugs wearing out. Spark plugs are due at mileage check points (for example, 60,000 miles, 90,000 miles and 100,00 miles).
Doylestown Sunoco is now offering 10% off on a tune-up. Check your vehicle’s owner manual to see when a tune-up is suggested for your particular make and model or call to see when a tune-up is due. Keep your car running smoothly and safely this season with proper maintenance! We offer local rides.
Doylestown Sunoco is located at 610 N. Main Street. Stop in or give us a call at 215-345-7676. You can also find us online at